Monday, December 9, 2024

Thanksgiving in Chelmsford 2024

First row:  Rowan and Waverly (Nithin and Kerry's children)  Dahlia and Jemma.

Second row: Trupthi, Suren, Lita and Surenna.

Last Row: Kedar (Vaishali's cousin on her dad's side and husband of Trupthi), Nithin, Kerry, Vilas (Vaishali's cousin on her mom's side), Soumnia (Vilas' wife), David, Vaishali.


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Picture from memorial service for my uncle Paul


You can click on the picture to see everyone.  I don't remember everyone's name but I will give the relationship when I'm not sure:  Left to Right" 

Trevorr, my older sister's son. Mary, my younger sister. Julie, my cousin JP's wife. Jane, daughter of JP and Julie Turner.  Justin, son of cousin Cara. Kiki, daughter of Cara. Julie, cousin, sister of Peter. Elizabeth, wife of cousin Peter. Donna Turner, aunt and widowed wife of Paul, mom of JP and Cara. Natalie, older daughter of Cara and Walter. Carol, my older sister. Peter Dippery, my cousin and brother of Julie. Walter, husband of Cara.  Mitchel, son of cousin JP.  Cara, cousin and sister of JP.
Me, David, brother of Mary and Carol. JP, cousin and brother of Cara. Husband of cousin Julie. Robert, Mary's husband.

At the time, about one year ago, I had all of the young people's names memorized but a couple of them have faded.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

My Mom Just Sent This Clip

 They've had this knocking around since 1962!

It raises a few questions and observations:

1. Did my parents subscribe to The Eatonville Dispatch, when they were stationed in England?  Or did my Grandma save the clip and give it to them later?

2.  Yes, it was newsworthy to get a very long-distance call back then.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

My Godmother

 Stella was at Uncle Paul's memorial service and it was fun to catch up on things.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Uncle Paul's Memorial Service

Aunt Donna was surrounded by family and friends at the service: Both of her children, Cara and John Paul attended, along with their spouses Walter and Julie, all of Donna's grandchildren were in attendance as well as most of her nieces and nephews and many of their spouses, plus the son of one niece. 

From L to R: Trevorr, Mary, Julie T., Jane, Justin, Kiki, Julie M., Elizabeth, Donna, Natalie, Carol, Peter, Walter, Mitchell, Cara, David, John Paul, Bob, Rob.