You can click on the picture to see everyone. I don't remember everyone's name but I will give the relationship when I'm not sure: Left to Right"
Trevorr, my older sister's son. Mary, my younger sister. Julie, my cousin JP's wife. Jane, daughter of JP and Julie Turner. Justin, son of cousin Cara. Kiki, daughter of Cara. Julie, cousin, sister of Peter. Elizabeth, wife of cousin Peter. Donna Turner, aunt and widowed wife of Paul, mom of JP and Cara. Natalie, older daughter of Cara and Walter. Carol, my older sister. Peter Dippery, my cousin and brother of Julie. Walter, husband of Cara. Mitchel, son of cousin JP. Cara, cousin and sister of JP.
Me, David, brother of Mary and Carol. JP, cousin and brother of Cara. Husband of cousin Julie. Robert, Mary's husband.
At the time, about one year ago, I had all of the young people's names memorized but a couple of them have faded.